All data are stored at

Minke dataset


The minke whale dataset contains biological measurements from 192 scientific catches of minke whales between the year 2003 and 2007. The data set contains the following fields:

  • Unique identifier for the whale
  • date.caught: the date when the whales was caught
  • lat: latitude
  • lon: longitude
  • area: Derived from location (North/South)
  • length: length of the whale (cm)
  • weight: weight of the whale (kg)
  • age: age of the whale (years)
  • sex: Male or Female
  • maturity: maturity status of the whale
  • stomach.volume: volume of the stomach content (liters)
  • stomach.weight: weight of the stomach content (kg)
  • year: the year when the whale was caught

iCod_2017 MS-Excel dataset


Assessment summary of cod in Icelandic waters from 2017, obtained from . The data set contains the following fields:

  • Year
  • Rec Recruitment as 3-year-olds in millions
  • SSB spawning stock
  • B4+ reference biomass
  • Landings landings in tonnes
  • HR harvest rate (landings/reference biomass)
  • Fbar fishing mortality (average for ages 5–10)

Logbook data


Icelandic groundfish survey data